MarcumAsia uses a comprehensive approach to risk management that includes corporate governance, compliance, and financial and operational risks.

Senior management often faces spiraling costs related to compliance driven by complex regulations combined with a volatile operating environment. MarcumAsia’s approach eliminates duplicative efforts and repetitive processes by creating an integrated framework that promotes operational excellence and creates business value. In this way, risk management becomes a source of competitive advantage. Our services include Risk Assessment, Enterprise Risk Management Solutions, and Risk Monitoring Services.

We help our clients design and implement strong Internal Controls frameworks in order to mitigate business risk, strengthen financial reporting, and meet requirements for a public listing. We help integrate acquisitions and promote effective governance of joint ventures through design of robust internal controls that meet the requirements of multiple jurisdictions and integrate reporting, monitoring, and remediation practices.

MarcumAsia has specific expertise in areas including:

  • US Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) Compliance Services – Designing and implementing a robust internal controls environment to ensure compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, as required of all U.S.-listed companies and provide the solid basis for management's assessment of the effectiveness of these policies and systems. MarcumAsia has extensive knowledge of SOX related issues and can assist clients to implement world-class processes.
  • China  internal Control Compliance (C-SOX) Services – Compliance with the Basic Frameworks of Enterprises Internal Control, from designing the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, and information systems and monitoring.
  • Internal Control Compliance for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing (PN21) – Verifying that the procedures, systems, and controls are in place to enable the Board of Directors to make proper evaluation of listed company's financial performance and prospects, including compliance policies and procedures, corporate governance policies, and accounting management systems and internal controls.
  • Japan Internal Controls Compliance (J-SOX) – Compliance with Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange Law for all listed companies to provide basis for annual assessment of the effectiveness of internal control environment in the annual report
  • Risk Management & Compliance for Financial Institutions – Specialized risk management services including Basel III, anti-money laundering, and China risk oriented solvency system (C-Ross) for insurance industry.
  • Internal Control Evaluation and Compliance
  • IT Control Evaluation and Improvement